The Controller of your personal data is PIONART Grzegorz Sztobryn with registered office in Zabrze, Gen. Bora-Komorowskiego 18, NIP: 6482499939, REGON: 240060080, being the owner of the website displayed under the domain along with all its subdomains.

You can contact the Controller about your personal data by or by sending a letter to: PIONART Grzegorz Sztobryn, Gen. Bora-Komorowskiego 18, 41-814 Zabrze marked GDPR. When the request concerns cookies, it is also necessary to provide the user's consent identifier together with the date of consent, to which it relates.

Use of the Controller's website is voluntary and involves acceptance of the Privacy Policy, GDPR ( information and respect for the Controller's copyrights (Journal of Laws 1994 No. 24 item 83.). Otherwise, its use is prohibited.

The privacy policy applies to the website displayed under the domain with all its subdomains and its functionality, including technical (cookies, contact form, technical, analytical and advertising plugins and links to external websites, enabling users to familiarize themselves with PIONART profiles in social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) and also sales portals (OLX)). For other information on the processing of personal data, see GDPR tab (

Data processed

The Controller collects information about devices, Internet connection and enquiries directed to his server, including IP addresses of users and other information given voluntarily, including these sent by contact form - name, surname, telephone number, message content and email address. The basis of data processing is the legitimate interest of the Controller (Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR).

All the abovementioned data is secured and encrypted in data transfer by the SSL certificate, thus can be displayed only in the target server. However, please note that no method of data transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is fully secure, so the Controller cannot guarantee the security of any information and data, including their disclosure, alteration or destruction by a breach of its security, so you send them voluntarily and at your own risk. If the Controller finds out about any data safety violation, user and proper state authorities shall be promptly informed in accordance with applicable law.

Collected user data may also be made available at any time, if required by law, at the express request of a court or other government authorities, or when the controller deems it necessary to undertake protection against liability, claims, fraud, abuse or any other unlawful activity.

Use of data

The data collected is used in accordance with applicable law and for the purpose of improving the quality of the website, analyzing website traffic, personalizing advertisements, and for marketing and remarketing purposes. Partial data is also shared with our trusted partners and service providers we use to conduct our business (including hosting and IT providers). Not all the user data used involves personal information. Some of them are anonymous and are not used to determine the identity of the user.

Some service providers may store data on servers outside the European Economic Area (the European Economic Area "EEA" consists of: European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), but they always guarantee an adequate level of data protection in accordance with applicable law. For your information, the Controller informs that it uses, among others, services and tools provided by Google LLC, whose infrastructure is located in the United States.

Each of the trusted partners and service providers has separate privacy policies, cookie policies and data processing procedures, which are not managed by the Controller, therefore the Controller is not responsible for the data you provide on their sites and services.

Depending on the purpose of use, we store the data:

- for such time as is necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the data was voluntarily provided by the user or until the time specified by applicable law,
- until you withdraw or limit your consent to the use of your data, including personal data,
- for a period of no more than 25 months after the user's last interaction with the website.

Users' rights

The data collected by the Controller is provided to it by the user on a voluntary basis. However, failure to provide certain information may involve the malfunctioning of the website (essential cookies) or the inability to perform a service / specific purpose, including, for example, responding to a user's enquiries, business contact or filling out a contact form.

Any user, whose data is processed has the right to inspect, rectify, transfer, delete, restrict or object to its use and processing. User may also notify the Controller at any time of his desire to exercise his rights, and the Controller will promptly take action in this regard, the duration of which will be communicated to the user in a return message.

A user, whose data is processed, also has the right to lodge a complaint against the Controller to the supervisory authority, which in Poland is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection with its headquarters in Warsaw, Stawki 2, when he considers that his data is processed and used in a manner inconsistent with the applicable law.


Cookies are IT data, in particular text files stored on the device, containing: identifiers in the form of a sequence of characters, the name of the website and the time of storage on the end device. The purpose of these files is to enable the identification of the device to which they relate. These files are harmless and do not affect the functioning of the user's device.

Cookies are divided into essential ones, without which the website will not be able to function properly, and additional ones, supporting personalization of content for a given user.

In accordance with the law, cookies and similar technologies which support the proper functioning of the website do not require the user's consent, while others used for other purposes (e.g., advertising and analytics) should be voluntary. Each user should be able to decide which cookies and technologies can be used and which not with the ability to change it at any time, with no limit on the number of changes.

Cookies can be manually deleted from the device by the user, completely blocked in the browser settings, or have a temporary form - for the duration of the active session or until the browser window is closed, if using the private browsing mode (incognito). However, any form of deletion of cookies or their blocking on the device may be associated with improper functioning and display of the website.

The ways to change the settings of cookies and delete them from your device may vary depending on the web browser you use. Information about the settings of Internet browsers and how to manage cookies is available in the menu of the browser (tab: Help) or on the website of its manufacturer, for example:

- Internet Explorer:

- Chrome:

- Firefox:

- Safari:

- Opera:

- Edge:

- Safari (iOS):

Cookies used

The website uses two types of cookies - session cookies and persistent cookies, systematized into five categories - essential, functional, analytical, marketing and unclassified (optional). Session cookies are temporary files, stored on your device until you leave the site or close your software (web browser). Persistent cookies, on the other hand, are stored on your device for the time specified in their parameters or until you manually delete them. Some cookies are placed on the website by our trusted partners, whose services the Controller uses.

- Essential

Necessary cookies ensure the proper functioning of the site and help detect any errors in it. Without them, the site may not work or display incorrectly to the user. These types of cookies do not require additional consent from the user for their use.

- Functional

Functional cookies and similar technologies allow us to remember your preferences, such as your chosen language, font size or page display preferences, which improves the user experience. They also make it easier to navigate the site by remembering previous actions, and constantly monitor users' movement, which positively affects the website's security (e.g., they make it easier to detect suspicious activity and unauthorized access attempts).







Cookies and similar technologies used by Google for security purposes, help prevent fraud, authenticate users and protect them while using the service.

6 months


Google uses a cookie to store information about your decision regarding cookies.

2 years


Google uses a cookie to store information about your decision regarding cookies.

13 months

- Analytical

Analytical cookies and similar technologies enable the collection of analytical data to analyze user behavior on the website, how they interact with the site and how they arrive at the site. The data collected is automatically aggregated and is not intended to identify users. Use of this type of cookies requires user’s consent.

For analytical purposes, plug-ins / tools offered by Google (Google LLC, based in the USA) are used on the site, including Google Analytics (Privacy and Data Security at GA4 -

Google privacy policy and data processing:

Types of cookies used by Google:







Google Analytics collects visitor, session and campaign data anonymously and tracks users' use of the website for reporting purposes.

2 years





Cookies used for website traffic tracking.

1 month

If you completely disagree with the sharing information about your activity on our and other websites by Google Analytics, you can use the blocking tool provided by Google LLC -

- Marketing

Marketing (advertising) cookies are used for technical delivery of advertisements, tracking users' behavior on websites, displaying them personalized content and more relevant advertisements according to their interests and the interests of advertisers. Use of this type of cookies requires user’s consent.

For advertising purposes, plug-ins / tools offered by Google (Google LLC, based in the USA), including Google Ads (Privacy and data security in Google Ads - are used on the website.

Google privacy policy and data processing:

Types of cookies used by Google:









Cookies used by Google's tools to display and experiment with the effectiveness of ads on various websites.

3 months



Cookies used by Google advertising services to debug ads.

1 year


Cookies used by Google to display ads on Google services to non-logged-in users.

6 months


Cookies are used for Google to display advertisements on websites that are not owned by Google. Can be used to personalize advertisements.

13 months in the EEA, Switzerland and the UK and 24 months in other countries

The user can review and edit information about his advertising preferences resulting from cookies collected by the Google advertising network at any time, using the tool:

- Unclassified (optionally)

Unclassified cookies are those that are currently undergoing a classification process or are pending agreement on functionality, including with the providers of individual cookies. Use of this type of cookies requires user’s consent. At this time, the site has no unclassified cookies.

Contact form

The website has the possibility of contacting the Controller through a contact form, which has the additional consent of the user to process his data for the purposes contained therein. Filling it out is voluntary, and directing the message to the appropriate department is done according to the user's intention, as specified in the submitted form.

The Data Controller discloses users' personal data along with the message only to entities that process them under concluded contracts in order to perform services for the Controller, including, for example, hosting, website maintenance, IT service, sales and marketing department services.

External links

The Controller maintains accounts, profiles and channels on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) and sales portals (OLX) to promote his business, inform about promotions, products and services, communicate with users of these portals, statistical analysis on users of his profiles and for advertising purposes. Links to these portals and sites are located on the Controller's website and they redirect the user directly to their accounts on the website under whose name they are linked. Controllers of these portals are thus given the opportunity to collect the data of users of the Collector's website and further process them for the purposes specified by them.

The Controller informs that each of the linked sites has a separate privacy policy, cookie policy and data processing procedures, which are beyond the Controller's control, therefore the Controller is not responsible for the data that the user provides on their sites and services.

Meta Platforms, Inc. (Facebook, Instagram) privacy policy:

Google LLC (YouTube) privacy policy:

OLX Global B.V (OLX) privacy policy:

The Controller takes sole responsibility for the processing of users' data that he has obtained through voluntary interactions with his profile or through messages addressed directly to the Controller (his company profile on the sites), complying with the GDPR and his privacy policy. The Controller reserves the right to use this data for purposes consistent with the intent of the users who provided it and for purposes consistent with the Controller's individual interests.

Amendments to Privacy Policy

The privacy and cookies policies may be supplemented, changed and updated at any time according to the current needs of the Controller without prior notice. If you have any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, you may contact the Controller in writing by sending mail to: PIONART Grzegorz Sztobryn, Gen. Bora-Komorowskiego 18, 41-814 Zabrze marked “Privacy policy” and its date.

Version: 26.07.2024